MelCat & InterLibrary Loan


If the item you want is not available at James White Library, we can get them for you from the collections of +430 academic libraries that are part of MeLCat (Michigan eLibrary Catalog). You can search, request, and renew items without the assistance of library staff. Before submitting a request, make sure the item is not available in the James White Library catalog. This service is available for Andrews University students, faculty, and staff who have currently validated Andrews University ID cards.

Search MeLCat here.

Interlibrary Loan

If the item you want is not available at the James White Library, and they are not available through MeLCat, we can get them for you from other libraries around the world. This service is restricted to Andrews University students, faculty, and staff who have currently validated Andrews University ID cards.

Fill the form to make a request.

View Interlibrary Loan Policies.



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